Giveaway: 12 Mini-Books for Spanish Class (printables)

I have been using these mini-libros with my students and they love them! I used them at the end of the units for them to keep as “pictonaries.”

The Giveaway 

I am so happy to share with you that 5 lucky readers will get to have this complete set. This set is currently available in the TpT store. Click HERE to learn more about these mini-books.
Would you like this set for your class? Just enter below for your chance to win. You have until Friday, March 1st at 6PM Eastern time.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

¡Buena suerte!
Fun For Spanish Teachers

Game: Un Partido de Fútbol

In preparation for this game you will need felt, pictures of soccer balls, pictures of famous soccer players from different Spanish-speaking countries, and a glue gun to put the felt pieces together.

Once the game is all put together, get ready to play it with students. The idea is to simulate a soccer game in class. Divide the class into two groups and assign a fútbol player to each time. Before playing the game introduce each famous player, and use this opportunity to show their countries of origin on a map and also the names of their teams.

The rules of the game are very simple. Each group will get set on the side of the “field” (cancha) that corresponds to their players. Invite one volunteer from each group to come to the middle. You can use flash cards or a bag filled with objects to represent vocabulary that you have previously explored in class. Show a card or object and ask a question related to it. For example: “¿Qué es? or ¿De qué color es la vaca?”

Whoever answers first will mark a “gol” for his//her team. Invite the class to shout together “¡goooooool!. If they both answer at the same time or the game ends in a tie (empate), then they will have to go into overtime, referred to as “penaltis,” which in the case of this game means they will get a another turn. To keep track of their scores, I place pictures of a soccer ball on their side of the field each time they get a goal.

Un Partido de Fútbol con Piqué (España)

Enjoy el partido de Fútbol!